“Mr. Onion,”a restaurant in the growing memory of many people, has a historyof more than 20 years since its opening at Tianmu, Taipei in 1991. Its warm and friendly country- style design ensures that diners, when enjoying good food, also savor bizarrely foreign and romantic and warm atmosphere. Seven-course menu whole meal service provides, in addition to various choices of dishes such as steak,and noodles, and rice, different types of salad, appetizers, soups, sweet dessert,and drinks. Many delicious dishes enriching diners’ fine cuisine experience offer a wide choice.
多くの台北っ子の成長を見守り続けてきたMr.Onion は、1991 年台北天母でオープンし
既に20 年余り。温かな心のこもったおもてなしと田舎風のインテリア、またロマンチッ
クで温かな雰囲気が異国情緒を盛り上げています。7 種のメニューを組み合わせたセッ
Restaurant's website : http://www.mr-onion.com/